All Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) serves as a dynamic platform, uniting the women to collaboratively foster empowerment and mutual education. Through this shared space, women uplift and support each other, fostering growth not only in mental and financial realms but also extending beyond these dimensions.

The Agenda - To be a community of Like-Minded Women With One Goal In Mind - Helping & Supporting Each Other To Build Widely Successsful Businesses.

India has 63 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), of which around 20% are women owned, employing 22 to 27 million people. India ranked 57th among 65 countries in the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs (MIWE, 2021)

Bringing women Entrepreneurs together under one roof

A dynamic community offering mutual support for business , guidances on queries, robust networking opportunities, and avenues for expansion Growth Workshops with different modules Networking Events